Tiptoeing Into The Unknown

I stumbled upon this photo in amongst a bundle old 35mm photographs at my mothers house. It was a snapshot from time spent in Zambezi Province, Mozambique – a moment frozen in time, illuminated by the flickering flames of a campfire. Just looking at it I recall the evening air thick with the aroma of fried goat meat, and the warmth of a sweet cola washed down my throat, leaving a lingering sensation that I can still taste to this day. As I reminisce, I'm transported back to that place, surrounded by the symphony of cicadas and the persistent hum of mosquitoes amidst the laughter of my team.

But oh, how things and life has changed since then! That old Lance Armstrong wristband for one but that message of #Livestrong still remains. I find myself a bit older now, with knees that protest at the thought of crouching for too long. Yet, amidst these inevitable changes, there remains a yearning for the simplicity of that old life.

My days were spent alongside my team traversing the rugged terrain, navigating through the remnants of a war-torn landscape in search of hidden dangers. Conversations with locals were woven into the fabric of our day, each exchange offering valuable insights into the realities of post-conflict Mozambique. We meticulously validated rumours and stories, distinguishing fact from fiction with every step we took.

Occasionally, our pursuits would lead us on wild goose chases, but even in those moments of uncertainty, there was a profound sense of purpose. Fear, once a paralyzing force, was transformed into a catalyst for action – a reminder that the unknown, when embraced, can be a source of liberation.

As I navigate the labyrinth of job hunting here in New York City, I am reminded of those days spent traversing minefields, of the courage that my teams required to confront the unknown head-on. It is a journey marked by uncertainty, but also one defined by resilience and growth. And so, I press on, embracing the lessons learned from my past adventures and endeavouring to be kind to myself along the way.